Keep those Silly Bull parts handy heading into the Review Words drill. When a student misses a word, you can ask them to “check the head” (or body or tail), or have them point to and tell you what each of the head, body and tail parts say.
If they have trouble doing this, or are still not getting one or more of the sounds correct, have them use a dry erase marker to transfer the letters from the page onto the Silly Bull parts. It should then look like the blending drill, where each of the sounds are on their own “pile”.
If they are mixing up short and long vowel sounds, have them use the Silly Bull type cards to match what syllable type it is (closed, open, silent-e, vowel team).
Hopefully you’ve been reviewing what each Silly Bull type is, and whether it says its short or long sound!
You can also write their review words on slips of paper or on the back of old business cards, then have them sort the words under the corresponding Silly Bull syllable type card.
This post is part of a series of articles on how to get the most out of your Silly Bull Kit:
Silly Bulls: head-body-tail segmentation
Silly Bulls and the Blending Drill
Silly Bull Syllable Type Cards
Silly Bulls and Review Words (you are here!)