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syllable hand movements

We teach students that a syllable is “a word, or a part of a word, with a talking vowel,” as well as hand movements to go along with it to help them remember. I have been working on this with one of my students during our sessions, but wanted him … Continue reading >

vowel sound colors

I wanted to help my students practice listening for the difference between long and short vowel sounds, as well as listening for nasal blends. Being aware of the vowel sound is an important component to correct spelling, and this exercise is great practice for vowel awareness. You will need colored … Continue reading >

silent-e fold flaps sheet

Words like rat/rate, shin/shine, rob/robe can be tricky for students because both the long and the short vowel sound make real words. So they can’t just rely on trying it both ways and seeing which one works. Here is a great tool for helping them practice reading these types of … Continue reading >


Have you ever had a student who knew a-e-i-o-u and sometimes y, but couldn’t remember what they were called? When one of my student kept referring to them as “verbs”, I decided it was time to give him a visual reminder to help him remember what they were really called. … Continue reading >

Silly Bulls and Spelling

While it is important for students to be able to finger spell, I have found it helpful to have students use Silly Bulls to combine visual and tactile components in the spelling process. Check out the videos below for step-by-step instructions on how to do Silly Bull Spelling. More examples … Continue reading >

Silly Bull Parts Cards

Silly Bulls and Introducing New Concepts

The Silly Bull Syllable Kit can be used during the introduction of new concept section of the lesson to help students discover sounds and attributes of the new concept. Auditory Discovery One of the first steps in introducing a new sound is to do Auditory Discovery. You read a short list of … Continue reading >